Sep 14, 2008


Mussoorie gave me my first honeymoon, literally.
There is something outrageously lovely about the whitish pink part of the back-on flower.

Shot with a Konica Minolta dimage Z3

Jan 13, 2008

The River from Space

With the minutest tributaries visible ... Its deep into winter with snow all around ...
But which place is this ?

Well, its the silhouette of a tropical tree at the Delhi zoo against the bright midday sky.
Used my Canon EOS350D.

Jan 12, 2008


A mosquito. Well I had to kill it - it was too active to pose for me.
KM-DimageZ3 - Super Macro.

Jan 9, 2008

Yay Capitalism

Shot in my very early days with the Camera, inside a public toilet at a San Jose Caltrain station. Great revelations sometimes arrive at such common places!

Shot with my Konica-Minolta Dimage Z3 way back in 2003.

In case you have problems reading the text:
"People starve to death. Our government burns crops to keep prices high. Yay Capitalism"

Fractals in the sky

On a long lazy afternoon, in this wooded park surrounding the ancient Hadimba Temple, I looked up. The tall conifers congregating around the lovely surroundings created this picture.

Jan 4, 2008

The Mighty Fort

The mighty Mehrangarh Fort looks down on the blue city of Jodhpur. I chose this stature to highlight how the imposing structure seems to even shroud the sky.

Pigeons swarm the mighty hive. There must be millions of them in hiding in every nook of the structure.